Author Profile

Michael Dorn, Contributor

Michael Dorn serves as the Executive Director of Safe Havens International, a global non profit campus safety center. During his 30 year campus safety career, Michael has served as a university police officer, corporal, sergeant and lieutenant. He served as a school system police chief for ten years before being appointed the lead expert for the nation's largest state government K-20 school safety center. The author of 25 books on school safety, his work has taken him to Central America, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, South Africa and the Middle East. Michael welcomes comments, questions or requests for clarification at [email protected]. Note: The views expressed by guest bloggers and contributors are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Campus Safety magazine.

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Michael Dorn's Latest Posts

Read: 5 Strategies to Help Ensure School Safety When Campuses Reopen This Fall

5 Strategies to Help Ensure School Safety When Campuses Reopen This Fall

With the processes surrounding campus reopenings so uncertain, these five steps will help your school district evaluate and test your safety plans, as well as prepare your staff to make quick adjustments, if needed.

Read: 7 Signs A Weapon Is Being Concealed

7 Signs A Weapon Is Being Concealed

The ability to tell if a person is carrying a concealed gun, knife or other weapon could save a life. Here are seven signs you should know.

Read: 20 Active Shooter and Active Killer Prevention Strategies

20 Active Shooter and Active Killer Prevention Strategies

These are the steps your organization should take to increase the chances that a planned active shooter or active killer attack will be averted.

Read: 10 Critical Protocols for Enhanced School Terrorism Preparedness

10 Critical Protocols for Enhanced School Terrorism Preparedness

Protocols for communication, lockdown, reverse evacuation and reunification are just some of the procedures your campus should have in place.

Read: 10 Keys to Testing Campus Preparedness

10 Keys to Testing Campus Preparedness

Will your staff, teachers, administrators and clinicians respond effectively to an emergency on campus? Here’s how you can determine if they will take the right steps to save lives.

Read: Focusing Only on Active Shooters Leaves Schools Less Prepared for Terrorists

Focusing Only on Active Shooters Leaves Schools Less Prepared for Terrorists

An all-hazards approach to safety and security training will enable schools to better respond to a terrorist attack.

Are You Covering All of Your Campus Safety Bases?

New research tells us that schools are too focused on active shooters and should pay more attention to accidental causes of death and other threats.

Don’t Let Knife Attacks Fly Under Your Radar

Campus officials should plan, train and prepare for mass casualty weapons assaults using edged weapons, fire, explosives, chemicals and other weapons.

Read: Women with Weapons

Women with Weapons

Campus officials must fully understand the threat female weapons violators pose to their institutions. To address this issue, women officers or staff should be on hand during the weapons screening process.

Enlist the Help of Emergency Managers to Overcome Turf Battles

Local emergency managers can help everyone in public safety play nicely in the same sandbox.

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